

May 02, 2023

Странное кольцо Сатурна

Автор: Научный институт космического телескопа, 1 апреля 2023 г.

Астроном-ветеран обнаружил, что обширная система колец Сатурна нагревает верхние слои атмосферы планеты — явление, никогда ранее не наблюдавшееся в нашей Солнечной системе. Анализируя данные об ультрафиолете за 40 лет, полученные от нескольких космических миссий, включая космический телескоп НАСА «Хаббл», зонд «Кассини», «Вояджер-1 и 2» и «Международный ультрафиолетовый исследователь», исследователь обнаружил, что частицы ледяных колец падают на атмосферу Сатурна, вызывая нагревание. Это революционное открытие не только подчеркивает неожиданное взаимодействие между планетой и ее кольцами, но также открывает возможность использования этой информации для предсказания существования систем колец, подобных Сатурну, вокруг экзопланет.

The planet SaturnSaturn is the sixth planet from the sun and has the second-largest mass in the Solar System. It has a much lower density than Earth but has a much greater volume. Saturn's name comes from the Roman god of wealth and agriculture." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]">Saturn is easily recognizable for its opulent ring system that can easily be seen through a small telescope. Astronomers have now found that the rings are not as placid as they look. The icy rings particles are raining down onto Saturn's atmosphere. This is heating the upper atmosphere. It took a collection of 40 years’ worth of Saturn observations, gleaned from four NASAEstablished in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government that succeeded the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). It is responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. Its vision is "To discover and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity." Its core values are "safety, integrity, teamwork, excellence, and inclusion." NASA conducts research, develops technology and launches missions to explore and study Earth, the solar system, and the universe beyond. It also works to advance the state of knowledge in a wide range of scientific fields, including Earth and space science, planetary science, astrophysics, and heliophysics, and it collaborates with private companies and international partners to achieve its goals." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]">NASA planetary missions to come to this conclusion. Hubble Space TelescopeThe Hubble Space Telescope (often referred to as Hubble or HST) is one of NASA's Great Observatories and was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990. It is one of the largest and most versatile space telescopes in use and features a 2.4-meter mirror and four main instruments that observe in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It was named after astronomer Edwin Hubble." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]"> Наблюдения космического телескопа «Хаббл» были использованы для того, чтобы связать воедино все доказательства, собранные в ультрафиолетовом свете. Эти результаты могут быть применены для определения того, окружают ли подобные системы колец планеты, вращающиеся вокруг других звезд. Их кольца находились бы слишком далеко, чтобы их можно было увидеть, но спектроскопия планет в ультрафиолетовом свете могла бы дать ключ к разгадке.

Взгляд Хаббла на Сатурн 12 сентября 2021 года показывает быстрые и резкие изменения цвета полос в северном полушарии планеты, где была ранняя осень. Полосы менялись в ходе наблюдений Хаббла как в 2019, так и в 2020 году. Примечательно, что знаковую шестиугольную бурю Сатурна, впервые обнаруженную в 1981 году космическим кораблем «Вояджер-2», было трудно различить в 2020 году, но она снова отчетливо заметна в 2021 году. планета после зимы в южном полушарии, о чем свидетельствует сохраняющийся голубоватый оттенок южного полюса. Авторы: НАСА, ЕКА, А. Саймон (НАСА-GSFC) и М. Х. Вонг (Калифорнийский университет в Беркли); Обработка изображений: А. Пэган (STScI)

The most feasible explanation is that icy ring particles raining down onto Saturn's atmosphere cause this heating. This could be due to the impact of micrometeorites, solar wind particle bombardment, solar ultraviolet radiation, or electromagnetic forces picking up electrically charged dust. All this happens under the influence of Saturn's gravitational field pulling particles into the planet. When NASA's CassiniThe Cassini–Huygens Mission, generally called Cassini, was a joint mission between NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency to study the Saturn system. Launched in 1997, Cassin provided astronomers with a massive amount of data about Saturn and its rings, its magnetosphere, and its moons. Cassini reached the end of its journey in 2017 when it deliberately dived into Saturn's atmosphere, where it disintegrated like a meteor." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]"Cassini probe plunged into Saturn's atmosphere at the end of its mission in 2017, it measured the atmospheric constituents and confirmed that many particles are falling in from the rings./p>

Ben-Jaffel's conclusion required pulling together archival ultraviolet-light (UV) observations from four space missions that studied Saturn. This includes observations from the two NASA Voyager probes that flew by Saturn in the 1980s and measured the UV excess. At the time, astronomers dismissed the measurements as noise in the detectors. The Cassini mission, which arrived at Saturn in 2004, also collected UV data on the atmosphere (over several years). Additional data came from Hubble and the International Ultraviolet Explorer, which launched in 1978, and was an international collaboration between NASA, ESA (European Space AgencyThe European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the exploration and study of space. ESA was established in 1975 and has 22 member states, with its headquarters located in Paris, France. ESA is responsible for the development and coordination of Europe's space activities, including the design, construction, and launch of spacecraft and satellites for scientific research and Earth observation. Some of ESA's flagship missions have included the Rosetta mission to study a comet, the Gaia mission to create a 3D map of the Milky Way, and the ExoMars mission to search for evidence of past or present life on Mars." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]"European Space Agency), and the United Kingdom's Science and Engineering Research Council./p>